Asbestos exposure can easily lead to life-threatening diseases or illness that includes asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer and other asbestos-related diseases. If you have unfortunately been exposed to asbestos and have already developed asbestos-related diseases or illness. You must be able to claim damages and compensation.
Many companies take asbestos lightly and workers become victims of asbestos. This is why most people look for good asbestos lawyers who can help file their claims. Read the blog below to know more about asbestos exposure and what compensation you can get.
Being exposed to asbestos will not be enough for you to successfully file a compensation claim. If you are aware that you have been exposed to asbestos but did not develop any disease or illness, experts recommend the following:
If you become ill due to an asbestos-related disease, the above-mentioned measures can help your lawyer to make an asbestos claim. Therefore, if you develop an asbestos-related illness but are not aware if you have been exposed. Since, you must take the help of an expert who can identify your illness and if it is due to asbestos exposure. You may even be able to opt for asbestos claims Perth even if you do not know if you were exposed to asbestos.
If you have been the victim of an asbestos-related disease due to exposure, you might be able to make a successful claim. However, you can also claim other things such as:
Based on your situation, you might be able to pursue an asbestos claim
DDB or Dust Diseases Board of NSW happens to be a statutory compensation scheme that can help provide support and compensation to people having work-related exposure to harmful dust. It also helps provide weekly payments and can cover all medical expenses.
The dependents will also be able to make claims and the level or type of weekly payments will depend on various factors. Therefore, you will be able to call the DDB directly to discuss your situation. And you can also choose to claim the DDB directly by following relevant guides on websites. An experienced asbestos injury lawyer can help guide you through the process.
This is another court hearing claims for dust-related diseases and damages from the dependents of sufferers who have passed away. Asbestos claims are usually made against employers, product manufacturers and site occupiers. DDT is the only court that operates on a faster schedule compared to a normal court.
This is because the claimants are usually ill and the process also includes support for both parties to come to early settlements. While there’s a possibility that you can represent yourself before DDT. It is recommended that all the parties consider getting proper advice because of the complexities involved.
Therefore, after the proceedings begin, general damages for pain and suffering can survive even if the claimant passes away before the proceedings are completed. Since, this indicates that the damages can be awarded to the claimant’s estate. Any award that you receive from DDT cannot affect the level of compensation that you receive from DDB.
Other than damages and compensations, you might also be entitled to make other claims under the terms of:
If you are currently a Commonwealth employee or a former member of the Australia Defense Forces, you will be eligible for other entitlements.
There are various levels of asbestos litigation and every one of them needs special knowledge and resources. However, you must work with a top asbestos injury lawyer who has a great history of holding companies responsible for wrongful asbestos exposure. They can also help you file successful compensation claims. Since, the best lawyers handle these types of cases regularly and they can make use of this experience to fight for you.
These lawyers can provide their clients with unique benefits such as:
The best lawyers will be able to review your case for free to see if you can file a claim. The lawyers can explain to you all the legal options without you having to work with them.
One of the biggest benefits of working with these lawyers is that they work on a contingency fee basis. This indicates that they do not get paid before they ensure you get compensated.
If you want to seek compensation for being a victim of asbestos-related disease due to company negligence, you can opt for asbestos lawyers. Contact Personal Injury Lawyers Perth to access the best asbestos attorneys who can help you file an asbestos claim and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
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